Corvus Stone music player

tiistai 24. joulukuuta 2013

Corvus Stone album review on Get Ready To Rock - one of the best reviews

Corvus Stone album review on Get Ready To Rock: "Great Stuff"

Corvus Stone is:
Colin Tench (guitar),
Pasi Koivu (keyboards),
Petri Lemmy Lindström (bass),
Robert Wolff (drums),
Blake Carpenter (vocals),
Sonia Mota (artwork)

On the debut album there are special guests like Stef Flaming (many instruments and voices on "JussiPussi"), John Culley (guitar on "You're So Wrong") and Victor Tassone (drums on "You're So Wrong").
On the second album there'll be special guest stars again! Andres Guazzelli shares vocals with Blake on "Purple Stone ("Purple Stone" already has over 500,000 views on YouTube!) and The Airwaves (band from Sweden) has also been invited to add some vocal harmonies.
Here below you'll see the review by Alan Jones. We hope you'll enjoy it and the CD as well! We also hope you'll enjoy the next album maybe even more as we feel it's an improvement (the album will be released during 2014).

CORVUS STONE - Corvus Stone
(Melodic Revolution Records)

Melodic Revolution Records: Released November 2012
I do a radio show for Get Ready To Rock Radio (third Sunday of the month at 5pm -you should check it out!) that goes by the name of ‘The Eclectic Mix’ – which pretty much does what it says on the tin and draws together a load of great tracks from an assortment of genres.
For the next show I think I’ll save myself the effort of compiling a tracklist and just play this album in its entirety.
Corvus Stone is a disparate group of fiendishly talented musicians from places such as Sweden, Finland, United States, Belgium and others, who have put together an album of such stunning complex diversity it’s hard to believe they all recorded their parts separately and emailed them in to be mixed and mastered.
The album is eighty minutes long. It has an amazing 21 tracks. It is, in turns, deep, shallow, frivolous, cinematic, dense, serious, hilarious.
Whilst always having progressive rock at its heart, one glance at the tracklist is enough to tell anybody this is going to be a roller-coaster ride.
With track titles such as ‘October Sad Song’, ‘After Solstice’, ‘Ice King’ and ‘Lost And Found’, the prog credentials are laid out for all to see – but then what to make of titles such as ‘Moron Season’, ‘Moustaches In Massachusetts’, ‘Iron Pillows’ and ‘Ten Inch Lisa’? Or what about ‘Intermission’, ‘The Rusty Wolff Attack’, ‘Scary Movie’ and the wonderfully titled ‘JussiPussi’?
The answer is not an easy one. There are just so many influences here that it’s difficult to take it all in at one sitting. You think you’re listening to Camel, this segues into an Emerson, Lake and Palmer groove, but then is that Focus I hear? Or a bit of Gentle Giant? Maybe even a soupcon of the Grateful Dead. But that’s definitely the Bonzo Dog Band – then the riff from ‘Smoke On The Water’ appears for chrissakes.
To say the album sustains interest throughout is understating just what it is – that being a genre-bending tour de force that has the listener eagerly anticipating the next track to find out if it’s as great as the one being listened to.
All kinds of highlights all over the piece – the surpisingly progressive ‘Moron Season’, the dense title track ‘Corvus Stone’, the outstanding fretwork on the instrumental ‘Moustaches In Massachusetts’, the (ahem) cinematic sweep of ‘Cinema’ and the totally immersive ‘Scary Movie’.
And how could we forget to mention the Bonzoesque exuberance of ‘JussiPussi’? It really is as great as it sounds – and I defy you not to laugh.
All told, this is a fabulous album. It has a dark side for sure, but the sheer flamboyancy of the playing coupled with an almost self-deprecating ‘joie de vivre’ is an absolute joy and I, for one, could begin to understand just what it feels like to be a ‘mad, swivel-eyed loon’ at the album’s conclusion.
Great stuff.
Review by Alan Jones

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lauantai 21. joulukuuta 2013

Hard rocking surprise - Jerry Lucky reviews Corvus Stone (hard, heavy and gentle flirting with Progressive Rock)

"Corvus Stone creates its own little mini-movie with its own ebb and flow of emotions".

Jerry Lucky - a true legend - has reviewed Corvus Stone. Read it yourself here:

You propably want to check Jerry's site - you'll find lots of interesting reviews! There are also links showing the way how to order the books Jerry has written!

Corvus Stone will release its second album in 2014. The sound is very original but we can reveal the music will appeal to the fans of Von Hertzen Brothers, ELP (Emerson Lake and Palmer), Opeth, Camel, Deep Purple, Kingston Wall, Uriah Heep, Progeland, Moonwagon, Murky Red and King Crimson (to name a few!).

maanantai 16. joulukuuta 2013

Corvus Stone arvioitavana Colossus-lehdessä / Corvus Stone review (Colossus magazine)

The following info is in Finnish.
Suomalaisessa Colossus-lehdessä (numero 45) on Corvus Stonen ensialbumi "Corvus Stone" arvioitavana. Arvionnin tekijän ystävällisellä luvalla voimme tässä julkaista koko tekstin sanasta sanaan.
CORVUS STONE - Corvus Stone
Kertakaikkiaan valloittavan riehakas sekametelisoppa erilaisia progetyylejä samassa padassa porisemassa! Kuten kansiteksteissä sanotaan niin ainoa rajoittava tekijä porukan musisoinnissa on CD-levyn kestoaika.
Ryhmä koostuu viidestä taitavasta soittajasta joilla ilmeisesti on myös muita projekteja menossa Corvus Stonen ohessa. Sävellystyöstä vastaavat kosketinsoittaja Pasi Koivu ja multi-instrumentalisti Petri Lemmy Lindström (joka sattuu myös olemaan bassovirtuoosi). Musiikin sovituksista ja kitaraosuuksista vastaa Colin Tench, rumpalina toimii Robert Wolff. Levynteon loppuvaiheessa ryhmään liittyi vielä Blake Carpenter jonka osuus tullee kasvamaan tulevaisuudessa. Seuraava levy onkin jo työn alla koska kaikki valmis materiaali ei mahtunut mukaan johtuen juuri tuosta CD-levyn lyhyestä kestoajasta.
Yhtyeen musiikki tuo hetkittäin miellejohtumia mm. Van Der Graaf Generatorista, Laika & The Cosmonautsista, Steven Wilsonista ja jopa Deep Purplesta mutta tämä sanottuna pelkästään positiivisessa mielessä antamaan vähän osviittaa mitä levyltä voi odottaa. Itselläni ei osannut olla mitään odotuksia joten yllätys oli sitäkin iloisempi. Suosittelen!
The review published on Colossus magazine #45 is in Finnish. However, Corvus Stone is compared to the bands/artists like Van Der Graaf Generator, Laika & The Cosmonauts, Steven Wilson. and Deep Purple. The album is highly recommended!
For more info of Colossus society and their great magazine please check 

perjantai 2. elokuuta 2013

CORVUS STONE - Purple Stone (over 100,000 views for this video!!!)

It's amazing.

Over 100,000 views for CORVUS STONE

The song is from the forthcoming album.
ANDRES GUAZZELLI (special guest vocals)
COLIN TENCH (guitar)
PASI KOIVU (keyboards)
SONIA MOTA (artwork)

Record Label: Melodic Revolution Records


The next CORVUS STONE album - new songs are being written and recorded

I thought to tell some updates! You have not heard new Corvus Stone songs for ages but we have tons of stuff!
We've been writing and recording songs like crazy (especially here in Finland). I, for example, always think my parts have been recorded for the forthcoming album. Then something happens and we have a new song again. 
At the moment we have one song by Colin Tench (guitar) and at least six songs by Petri Lemmy Lindström (bass). I don't even remember how many songs I wrote.
Robert Wolff's drums are just perfect for us! I have Micah's 1971 album and it's awesome (Robert is on drums)!
I'm also really looking for some more fine vocal work by Blake Carpenter! He's a busy musician with many projects. I cannot believe how brilliant he is!
Now we also have a special guest Andres Guazzelli on one song. He's also a brilliant musician. They are all brilliant musicians. Colin, for example, has so many album releases it's impossible to remember all of his projects. 
Petri just signed a deal with Melodic Revolution Records! Congratulations! Progeland is a fantastic band! You'll love the album, Nick!!!!
About music: what kind of music you'll hear on the next Corvus Stone album? There's almost everything. But it'll be an improvement. 
The crazy thing is we have new stuff for almost two new albums!
See you again! Many thanks for your support!
PASI KOIVU (keyboards/Corvus Stone)
P.S. I'm sure we've recorded a cover version of Murky Red song (with Stef Flaming helping). Is it still a secret?

maanantai 17. kesäkuuta 2013

Corvus Stone for Camel, Zappa and Purple fans - new reviews

June 2013 brings us some nice new Corvus Stone album reviews.

Michael Anthony (Uber Rock) tells: "...extremely enjoyable blend of 1970s prog, classically inspired rock, and jazz rock fusion. Often laid back and funky, sometimes bright and breezy, occasionally rambling and moody, Zappa, Camel and Uli Jon Roth fans will find it an easy listening experience". He also continues: "'re put in mind of early Deep Purple, when Blackmore and Lord were at their most experimental and exciting".

Read the full Uber Rock review here:

Mark Johnson (Sea of Tranquility) tells: "I can safely recommend this album as one of the better released of 2013…so far. Great debut, especially if you enjoy hearing new bands join this growing genre of talent. Thankfully they have set their own path bent on creating larger than life images with sound".

Read the full Sea of Tranquility review here:

Corvus Stone is an international Rock band strongly related to Progressive Rock and Hard Rock. You can also hear some World Music, Classical, Soundtrack, Jazz and Metal!

Corvus Stone is: Colin Tench (guitar), Pasi Koivu (keyboards), Petri Lemmy Lindström (bass), Robert Wolff (drums), Blake Carpenter (vocals) and Sonia Mota (artwork).

On the song "Purple Stone" there's a wonderful special guest Andres Guazzelli (vocals). "Purple Stone" is a some kind of tribute to the great Deep Purple.
Artwork by Sonia Mota

sunnuntai 2. kesäkuuta 2013

Some very nice new CORVUS STONE album reviews

Corvus Stone has some nice new reviews of their debut album "Corvus Stone" (Melodic Revolution Records).
JamSphere writes: "The album is gorgeously epic in its overall sound, but it certainly rocks hard in places. Even though each musician is allowed a lot of creative freedom on the album, the jams and solos are always melodic and tasteful, never leaning towards any pretentiousness; a lethal trap,when dealing with this caliber of music and musicians".
Review Indie tells: "The album has so many songs that it has enough to maintain interest even for the most casual listener. There are some masterful tracks on offer, and Corvus Stone blend many genres to form one incredible album. The passion of the musicians as they play together is infectious, and it is a joyous labour of love from beginning to end. I was delighted that the band were able to create such a dynamic sound, that is highly innovative and brimming over with virtuoso skill".- (Review by AtomicCrimsonRush)
Get Ready To ROCK! (Alan Jones) tells: "I do a radio show for Get Ready To Rock Radio (third Sunday of the month at 5pm -you should check it out!) that goes by the name of ‘The Eclectic Mix’ – which pretty much does what it says on the tin and draws together a load of great tracks from an assortment of genres.
For the next show I think I’ll save myself the effort of compiling a tracklist and just play this album in its entirety".
Corvus Stone is an international Rock band strongly related to Progressive Rock and Hard Rock. You can also hear some World Music, Classical, Soundtrack, Jazz and Metal!
Corvus Stone is: Colin Tench (guitar), Pasi Koivu (keyboards), Petri Lemmy Lindström (bass), Robert Wolff (drums), Blake Carpenter (vocals) and Sonia Mota (artwork).
On the debut album there also some fantastic special guests like Stef Flaming (different instruments and voices), Victor Tassone (drums) and John Culley (guitar).
On the new song "Purple Stone" (to be featured on the forthcoming Corvus Stone album) there's a wonderful special guest Andres Guazzelli (vocals). "Purple Stone" is a some kind of tribute to the great Deep Purple.
We give a last word to Alan Jones: "There are just so many influences here that it’s difficult to take it all in at one sitting. You think you’re listening to Camel, this segues into an Emerson, Lake and Palmer groove, but then is that Focus I hear? Or a bit of Gentle Giant? Maybe even a soupcon of the Grateful Dead. But that’s definitely the Bonzo Dog Band – then the riff from ‘Smoke On The Water’ appears for chrissakes.
To say the album sustains interest throughout is understating just what it is – that being a genre-bending tour de force that has the listener eagerly anticipating the next track to find out if it’s as great as the one being listened to".
CORVUS STONE: "Corvus Stone" (Melodic Revolution Records, 2012). Artwork: Sonia Mota