Corvus Stone music player

sunnuntai 24. elokuuta 2014

Corvus Stone II Album Art & Final Track Listing Revealed

Corvus Stone II Album Art & Final Track Listing Revealed

Corvus Stone Return With Classic Lineup:
Colin Tench: Guitars, Petri Lemmy Lindström: Bass, Pasi Koivu: Keyboards and the newest addition to the outfit is Robert Wolff: Drums & Percussion.

Once Again The Album Features Some Very Special Guests:
Emmy Award Vocalist Phil Naro (Talas, Backhand, Druckfarben), Sean Filkins: Vocals (Solo & Big Big Train) German Vergara: Vocals (Aisles) Timo Rautiainen (Solo & Trio Niskalaukaus).

The Album Also Features Some Returning Guests:
Blake Carpenter: Vocals (The Minstrel’s Ghost, Voice of the Enslaved) Victor Tassone: Percussion (Unified Past, Andy John Bradford’s Oceans 5) Andres Guazzelli: Vocals (CTP/Colin Tench Project, Solo). 
Artwork by Sonia Mota. 

1. The Simple Life
2. Early Morning Call
3. Boots for Hire
4. Sneaky Entrance in to Lisa
5. Purple Stone
6. A Stoned Crow Meets the Rusty Wolff Rat
7. Lisa has a Cigar
8. Mr Cha Cha
9. Dark Tower
10. Scandinavians in Mexico
11. Mystery Man
12. Camelus Bactrianus (Tuolla tuonnempana)
13. Uncle Schunkle
14. Eternal Universe
15. Moaning Lisa
16. Campfire (Tulen Luona)

Album is available for pre-order at:

lauantai 16. elokuuta 2014

Timo Rautiainen mukana Corvus Stone -levyllä

Äskettäin yhtyeensä Timo Rautiainen & Neljäs Sektori kanssa levyn "Toinen varoitus" julkaissut suomalaisen rockmusiikin voimahahmo Timo Rautiainen on mukana myös Corvus Stone -yhtyeen alkusyksyllä ilmestyvällä uudella albumilla joka on saanut nimekseen lyhyesti ja ytimekkäästi "Corvus Stone II".
Rautiaisen lisäksi levyllä ovat mukana jyväskyläläiset muusikot Petri "Lemmy" Lindström (basso) sekä Pasi Koivu (kosketinsoittimet). Rautiaisen tulkitsemien laulujen nimet ovat "Tuolla tuonnempana" ja "Tulen luona". Ensimmäisenä mainitun laulun on säveltänyt Lindström ja jälkimmäisen Koivu. Pitkän päivätyön suomalaisessa musiikkimaailmassa tehnyt Pax Romana -yhtyeen jäsen Matti Kervinen vastaa edellämainittujen laulujen suomenkielisistä sanoituksista. "Tuonna tuonnempana" ja "Tulen luona" saivat osakseen myös Kervisen loihtimat laulumelodiat.
Rautiaisen tulkitsemien laulujen kielenä on Corvus Stonelle poikkeuksellisesti suomi. Yhtye käyttää useita eri laulajia uudella levyllään. Rautiaisen lisäksi kansainvälisesti tunnetuimmasta päästä levyllä laulavista artisteista mainittakoon esimerkkinä entinen Big Big Train -yhtyeen jäsen Sean Filkins.
Lindströmin ja Koivun lisäksi monikansallisen Corvus Stone -projektin muut jäsenet ovat vanhat tutut Colin Tench (kitara) sekä Robert Wolff (rummut).
Lindström on pitänyt itsensä kiireisenä myös luotsaamansa Progeland-yhtyeen tulevan levyjulkaisun johdosta. 1970-luvun äänimaailmaan vahvasti pohjautuva Progeland yhdistää hard rock -soundia tehokkaasti progressiivisiin elementteihin. Lindströmin lisäksi yhtyeen muut jäsenet ovat Tomi Murtomäki (laulu), Juha Kaski (kosketinsoittimet), Matias Kangasniemi (kitara) ja Pasi Manninen (rummut). Sävellystyöstä vastaa Lindström ja albumin nimi on "Gate To Fulfilled Fantasies".
Lindström tekee eräällä tapaa "tuplat" sillä Corvus Stone ja Progeland julkaisevat levynsä käytännössä lähes yhtä aikaa. Yhdistävänä tekijänä on myös levyt julkaiseva amerikkalainen levy-yhtiö Melodic Revolution Records. Kansitaiteen on molempiin levyihin suunnitellut ja toteuttanut Sonia Mota.
Levyjen oletettu julkaisuajankohta on lokakuu.
Timo Rautiainen (Timo Rautiainen appears by courtesy of Johanna Kustannus Oy)
Petri "Lemmy" Lindström (basso, Progeland ja Corvus Stone)
Pasi Koivu (kosketinsoittimet, Corvus Stone)
Robert Wolff (rummut, Corvus Stone), Colin Tench (kitara, Corvus Stone), Petri "Lemmy" Lindström (basso, Corvus Stone), Pasi Koivu (kosketinsoittimet, Corvus Stone)
Progeland: Juha Kaski (kosketinsoittimet), Petri "Lemmy" Lindström (basso), Pasi Manninen (rummut), Tomi Murtomäki (laulu), Matias Kangasniemi (kitara)
Note: this information is exceptionally in Finnish

keskiviikko 13. elokuuta 2014

Timo Rautiainen on the new Corvus Stone album

Corvus Stone releases its second album "Corvus Stone II" soon and Timo Rautiainen is the latest special guest singer on the album. Timo sings two songs on "Corvus Stone II". 
Timo Aulis Rautiainen (born 25 January 1963, in Sulkava, Finland) is a Finnish heavy metal singer, guitarist and songwriter. He is best known as the singer and songwriter of Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus. He has also sung in the bands Lyijykomppania and Aku Ankkuli.
He was graduated from the University of Jyväskylä as a teacher of special education - a quite uncommon profession for heavy metal musicians. In the early stages of Trio Niskalaukaus, Rautiainen was commonly represented in the main media as "The Grim Teacher", because of his strong and rather gloomy lyrics and his occupation. However, in later years he concentrated solely on his musical career, resigning from his educational activities. Despite his earlier and solemn representation in Finnish media, Timo is actually a man with good sense of humour, and on stage he is characterized by his laid back nature.

In December 2004, Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus announced that they would be going on break for an indefinite period. While the band was on hiatus, Timo starred on Finnish talk-show 'K-Rappu', which concentrated on culture. On 1 November 2006, Trio Niskalaukaus announced that they would be breaking up.

After the breakup of Trio Niskalaukaus, Timo Rautiainen published his first solo album titled Sarvivuori in 2006 with a crew gathered from different bands. The album featured the talents of e.g. Nightwish founder Tuomas Holopainen (who also wrote one song) and former Children of Bodom guitarist, Alexander Kuoppala. In the drums debuted renown Finnish actor Jussi Lampi.
Initially Timo was supposed to do only one solo album, but after the album's good reception and the band's highly successful summer tour he changed his mind, and in 2007 his second solo album, Loppuun ajettu, was released. The line-up changed a bit, and Jarkko Petosalmi, former Trio Niskalaukaus guitarist joined Timo's solo band. The album went into the Finnish charts at #5 on its first week.

In 2010 Rautiainen released his third solo album "En oo keittäny enkä myyny" including guitar players Jarkko Petosalmi and Peter Engberg, drummer Jussi Lampi and Valtteri Tynkkynen (known previously as a bass player, backing singer and composer of the band YUP).
In 2012 Rautiainen formed the band Timo Rautiainen & Neljäs Sektori and the debut album "Kunnes elämä meidät erottaa" was released.

In 2013 Rautiainen became interested in folk music and he's started to perform folk gigs as a solo and also with other artists.

Timo Rautiainen & Neljäs Sektori released its second studio album on 8th August, 2014 with singles "Synkkien puolue", "Oma arkipyhä" and "Kaikki maailman aika" getting lots of radio airplay. The line-up included Peter Engberg (guitar), Jussi Nikula (drums), Jarkko Petosalmi (guitar), Timo Rautiainen (vocals, guitar)and Valtteri Tynkkynen (bass).

In 2014 Timo kindly approved to make a guest appearance on Corvus Stone's new album "Corvus Stone II" and the rest is history. Timo sings two songs on that album.
Interestingly enough both Petri Lemmy Lindström (Progeland, Corvus Stone) and Timo Rautiainen were previously members of Lyijykomppania.
Corvus Stone musicians playing on the album: Colin Tench (guitar), Pasi Koivu (keyboards), Petri Lemmy Lindström (bass) and Robert Wolff (drums). 

sunnuntai 10. elokuuta 2014

Corvus Stone II to feature Sean Filkins, Phil Naro & German Vergara

Corvus Stone II to feature Sean Filkins, Phil Naro & German Vergara

Corvus Stone II To Feature Sean Filkins, Phil Naro & German Vergara

Critically Acclaimed Avant Garde Proggers Corvus Stone Return With Highly Anticipated 2nd Album Corvus Stone II, Featuring Special Guest Appearances by Sean Filkins, Phil Naro & German Vergara.
Corvus Stone is best known as an Avant Garde Studio Prog band featuring members from all over the globe. The band has been very busy since the release of their critically acclaimed debut album in 2012.

Like the first album, Corvus Stone II will feature a jam packed 80 minute CD once again housed in a beautiful Digipak with a colorful booklet both designed by Sonia Mota. The CD will feature 16 glorious tracks to spark ones imagination and even satisfy unbelievers that Corvus Stone is a force to be reckoned with and is here to stay.

Track listing is as follows:  The Simple Life, Sneaky Entrance In To Lisa, Early Morning Call, Boots For Hire, Purple Stone, A Stoned Crow Meets The Rusty Wolff Rat, Lisa Has A Cigar, Mr. Cha Cha, Eternal Universe, Uncle Schunkle, Dark Tower, Mystery Man, Scandinavians in Mexico, Camelus Bactrianus, Moaning Lisa and Campfire.

Corvus Stone Return With Classic Lineup:
Colin Tench: Guitars, Petri Lemmy Lindström: Bass, Pasi Koivu: Keyboards and the newest addition to the outfit is Robert Wolff:  Drums & Percussion.

Once Again The Album Will Feature Some Very Special Guests:
Emmy award vocalist Phil Naro (Talas, Backhand, Druckfarben), Sean Filkins: Vocals (Solo & Big Big Train) German Vergara: Vocals (Aisles) plus many other vocal guests, some things are best kept a secret. The album will also feature some returning guests: Blake Carpenter: Vocals (The Minstrel’s Ghost, Voice of the Enslaved) Victor Tassone: Percussion (Unified Past, Andy John Bradford’s Oceans 5) Andres Guazzelli: Vocals (CTP/Colin Tench Project, Solo).

In conjunction with the upcoming release the band have launched a brand new website, a promo video for the first single “Scandinavians in Mexico” and have made the album available as a preorder.

Further information can be found at:
Official Website:
Power of Prog:
Melodic Revolution Records:

Video “Scandinavians in Mexico” ð
Sampler Video
Album Preorder:

sunnuntai 3. elokuuta 2014

Corvus Stone - Scandinavians In Mexico with Sean Filkins on vocals

Corvus Stone - Scandinavians In Mexico video by Sonia Mota

Corvus Stone II to be released on September 30, 2014

Colin Tench – Guitars
Petri Lemmy Lindström – Bass
Pasi Koivu – keyboards
Robert Wolff – Drums & Percussion
Sonia Mota – Video and album art

Guests on Scandinavians in Mexico.
Sean Filkins – Vocals & Percussion
Vic Tassone – Percussion
Rusty Dimmett – Percussion