Corvus Stone music player

lauantai 8. maaliskuuta 2014

Corvus Stone - the debut album on Levykauppa Äx or Melodic Revolution Shop, Hard Progressive Rock

Who is Corvus Stone

Corvus Stone is an international Rock band strongly related to Progressive Rock and Hard Rock. You can also hear some World Music, Classical, Soundtrack, Jazz and Metal!
Corvus Stone is:
Colin Tench (guitar), Pasi Koivu (keyboards)
Petri Lemmy Lindström (bass)
Robert Wolff (drums)
Blake Carpenter (vocals)
Sonia Mota (artwork)

On the song "Purple Stone" there's a wonderful special guest Andres Guazzelli (vocals). "Purple Stone" is a some kind of tribute to the great Deep Purple.
I am the following; a
Fan of Music, Band, Musician, Song Writer
Style of Prog
Art Rock, Avant-Prog, Progressive Rock, Symphonic Rock, Canterbury Prog, Progressive Metal, Crossover Prog, Progressive Jazz/Fusion, Also a fan of other genres of music
Pasi Koivu (keyboards), Colin Tench (guitar) and Petri Lemmy Lindström (bass) started this studio project in late 2011 almost accidentally.
The found out they can work together very easily.

Petri Lemmy Lindström is an ex-member of Lyijykomppania and he has his own (highly acclaimed) music projects called Saturn Twilight and Progeland.

Colin Tench played with Odin (of London) alongside John Culley (ex-Cressida, ex-Black Widow) and after that he was one of the key members of BunChakeze (their 1980's recordings have finally been released for critical praise).
At the moment Colin has his own Colin Tench Project (CTP).

Pasi Koivu has been involved with promoting Black Widow (that's how he got to know Colin) and he also had his own Pasi Koivu ~ Psychedelic Eye one man solo project (with three albums released).

Now there has been some great addings to the Corvus Stone line-up! We have brilliant musicians Blake Carpenter (The Minstrel's Ghost) on vocals and Robert Wolff (ex-Micah, ex-Raven) on drums.
We have Sonia Mota creating the most amazing artwork for us! Sonia is a big part of the band.

We have Stef Flaming (Murky Red) guesting on a song JussiPussi (Stef also wrote that song).

We have Victor Tassone (Unified Past) playing drums on "You're So Wrong".

We have John Culley (ex-Cressida, ex-Black Widow) on guitar on our cover version of Black Widow's "You're So Wrong"!

Melodic Revolution Records has released some Corvus Stone music as digital singles.

The full debut album (CD version) simply called "Corvus Stone" was released at the end of 2012! Over 79 minutes worth of music. It's a digipak including a 16 page booklet! The stunning artwork is by Sonia Mota and the album is out via Melodic Revolution Records.
Influences or Favorite Bands
Various influences.... Pink Floyd, Nektar, BunChakeze, Progeland, Cressida, Black Widow, Opeth, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Murky Red, Unified Past, Uriah Heep, Pain Of Salvation, Caravan, Camel, Soft Machine
You can find me.
More info;
Corvus Stone - "Purple Stone" single (Melodic Revolution Records) was released in 2013. The song will be featured on the 2nd Corvus Stone album.
The debut Corvus Stone album was released as a CD version during late 2012 via Melodic Revolution Records. You can buy the album here: or here:
You can buy the single here:
The physical copy of the album is available on many great record stores like Black Widow Records (Italy), Musea (France) or Diskunion (Japan). If your local record shop doesn't have the album you can easily ask them to order few copies!

Corvus Stone is an international Rock band strongly related to Progressive Rock and Hard Rock. You can also hear some World Music, Classical, Soundtrack, Jazz and Metal!
Corvus Stone is: Colin Tench (guitar), Pasi Koivu (keyboards), Petri Lemmy Lindström (bass), Robert Wolff (drums), Blake Carpenter (vocals) and Sonia Mota (artwork).
On the song "Purple Stone" there's a wonderful special guest Andres Guazzelli (vocals). "Purple Stone" is a some kind of tribute to the great Deep Purple.

Informaatiota suomeksi:
Corvus Stone on kansainvälinen yhtye jonka debyyttilevy "Corvus Stone" (Melodic Revolution Records) ilmestyi CD-versiona loppuvuodesta 2012. Sävellyksellinen pesäpaikka ensilevyllä on Suomi ja Jyväskylä sillä yhtyeen jyväskyläläiset jäsenet ovat Petri Lemmy Lindström (basso) ja Pasi Koivu (koskettimet). Lisäksi mukana ovat Blake Carpenter (laulu), Colin Tench (kitara), Robert Wolff (rummut) ja Sonia Mota (kansitaide).
Erikoisvieraana laulussa "Purple Stone" on Andres Guazzelli (laulu).
Esikoisalbumia löytyy vielä jonkin verran Suomesta, ainakin Levykauppa Äx myy sitä. Voit ostaa levyn täältä:

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